Working on syncing unique beats, we're creating a folder 📂 to be able to have it ready to send to different music libraries or one that we find that will work well with us. When I say us I mean anyone that would love to collaborate with me as well and vise versa. This process is going well so far, we have more than enough unique beats started. We are looking to mix and master them (in progress), which will be the next step before reaching out to a music library. Even before that we want to continue researching about the different companies and our options etc, as well as getting to know each of the Music library more to see what they're all about first of course. That's all for now we will be back to update on this topic or anything else that I believe will bring you some insight and some value but until then have a wonderful day and don't forget to check out our unique beats we have for you, if interested you know what to do next. Later and thank you again for stopping by, see you again soon. 🙏🏽🎲🎲
Progress Report
Updated: Mar 10, 2023